Radon in Air in Exploration Drill Holes
We present data by A.B. Tanner from an orientation survey near Grants, New Mexico.
The figure shows a radon profile obtained from air samples drawn from drill holes
in the lower part of the ore zone.
The profile is 1300 feet long, and crosses an orebody 100 feet wide within a
mineralized area 160 feet wide.
The radon anomaly shown on the figure is much wider than indications shown by
U3O8 analyses.
Uranium analyses of cuttings and core give information on a column of rock the
diameter of the drill hole. Gamma logs increase the effective sampling diameter to
about two feet. In many cases, however, radon will migrate much farther than this
and provide information from a much wider area.
Samples can be collected from old drill holes and seismic shot holes as well as
new exploration holes. Simply lower a tygon tube, pump air into the instrument,
and count the sample at the site. Readings can be taken at various depths by
raising or lowering the tube. Holes with anomalous radon are followed up by
stepouts; holes with background values abandoned.
We measure: radon - radium - thoron - radon daughters - alpha radiation.
Lucas cell
is recognized as the most sensitive and reliable method for these elements.
Our instruments are used around the world in exploration for uranium, oil & gas, groundwater and hydrothermal,
and in environmental protection, health physics, earthquake prediction, and evaluation of hydrocarbon and NAPL contamination.
In the radon business since 1968, our latest major instrument update was 2015.
Modern, low-power, field-rugged electronics. Some earlier versions still working after 35 years.
Continuous real-time monitoring and data recording.
Winter and summer, from the Sahara Desert to the Canadian Shield, our instruments have faced up to severe field conditions.
- Intrinsically safe functions.
Sensitive to geochemical trace levels necessary for radon in lake water and for radon-thoron isotope ratios.
Can work in a tent without electricity or be carried from point to point in the field.
50 readings per day. Results available immediately.
Rechargeable battery pack good for a long day in the field and recharges in a few hours.
Can be operated by junior personnel if carefully supervised.
Same instruments used for radon and radium in soil, sediment,
plant parts, rocks, water, soil gas, air, and snow, and for radon daughters in air.
- EPA compliant.
Click here for more details of instruments.
Click here for or other instruments, components and
accessories we provide
Technical specification sheets and pictures of our instruments provided on request.
Multilingual consulting and training (if required).
For instruments contact R.H. Morse & Associates Ltd.
morse@finderschoice.com skype: robert.morse.toronto |
Robert H. Morse, Ph.D., P.Eng. May 9, 2007
Radon in Drill Holes
Showing Wide Radon Anomaly
Tanner calculated that, under certain conditions, determination of radon in air in
drill holes could reduce the cost of drilling by a factor of 16.
From A.B. Tanner, Increasing the efficiency of exploration drilling by measurement
of radon in drill holes: Proceedings of the 2nd U.N. International Conference on
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 1958, vol.3 pp.42-45