Radon in uranium exploration: case studies
⚒ Led to discovery of important uranium reserves
★ Gave anomalies related to known uranium deposits
✝ Show promise as exploration methods
Radon discoveries at Patterson Lake South in Athabasca
Radon anomaly (1972) in Midwest Lake over orebody
Athabasca: Radon anomaly over McClean Lake North
Thelon: Radon-Radium anomalies in lakes at Kiggavik
Wintertime surveys:
snow cover and frozen lakes
Reconnaissance drainage surveys:
Radon, Radium respond to Bancroft deposits
Soil and snow anomaly over Faraday Mine, Bancroft
Radon/Thoron anomaly through 18 meters of Karoo Sandstone in Madagascar
Southeast Texas: Radium in well water gives closely defined targets
Grants, New Mexico: Radon determinations in air in drill holes can reduce the cost of drilling
Radon exploration in almost total outcrop
Dry stream sediments
Dry areas: radon in drainage winds
Radon and radium in lake-bottom waters and sediments for drill targets
Uranium anomalies in organic sediments and in the A‑horizon of soil might be false if not accompanied by high radium
Radon/thoron ratios add important refinement
Transport distance in glacial boulder trains
More help
Multilingual consulting and training (if required)
For instruments, price quotes etc. contact
Robert H. Morse, Ph.D.,
Other commodities and applications
Radon/thoron ratios in OIL AND GAS exploration
Radon, thoron and radium in exploration for rare earths
Radon and thoron in groundwater exploration
Radon Geochemistry in Evaluation of NAPL Contamination
Earthquake prediction
Teaching and research
geothermal, faults, helium etc.
details later
Our radon instruments and other applications.
Health, safety and environment, HSE or EHS
General principles
Principles of radon geochemistry
Some notes on radon geochemistry
More than pathfinders,
radium and radon are direct indicators of uranium
Radon does not come out of solid rock
but fractures are useful
Radon migration from depth:
does it happen? how?
Our radon anomalies are repeatable