- radon
- continuous active radon monitors
- continuous passive radon monitors
- radioactive gas instrumentation
- industrial and domestic radon monitors
- ZnS(Ag) radon monitors
- radon analysers
- solid state radon, thoron and progeny monitors
- solid state alpha spectrometers
- working level meters
- trace enivronmental radon detectors
- wipe-test alpha and beta detectors
- surface alpha and beta contamination detectors
- beta detectors
- gamma and beta probes
- gamma-ray spectrometers
- gamma-ray drill hole probes
- equipment design
silver activated zinc sulfide Lucas cells
- active Lucas cells, passive Lucas cells
- photomultiplier (pm) tube (pmt)
- scintillation counting electronics
- filter discs and filter disc holders for radon and thoron daughters
- radon scintillation disks and cradles
- audio and visual alarms
- degassing systems, bubbling tubes
radon and thoron sniffers
- soil gas probes
- internal pumps
- high volume vacuum pumps
- data acquisition packages
- permeable polyurethane foam membrane
- electrostatic chambers -- Lucas-type cell
- piezo-ceramic audio alarms
- external strobes and siren alarms
- graphic display and printer
- servo controlled pump
- back-lit graphic liquid crystal display (LCD)
- integrated 6V gel cell
- real-time clock (RTC)
- grab sampling, sniffing and autonomous, unattended, continuous radon monitoring.
- radium in drinking water, food etc. using EPA method 903.1
- health physics, epidemiological studies
- radon, thoron and progeny in ambient air
- radon in breath
- meterological radon and thoron studies
- environmental and baseline radon, thoron and radium studies
- mine safety, refineries, mills, ore processing
- radiological protection of personnel
- industries, homes, schools, workplaces
- sniffing for radon entry points in buildings
- ventilation studies, building research
intrinsically safe applications
earthquake prediction and volcano studies
exploration for uranium, rare-earth elements (REE), oil & gas, groundwater, hydrothermal
- geological mapping
location of hydrocarbon and NAPL contamination
- metal scrap monitoring
- remote locations and remote detection
teaching and research
- baghouse dust and stack exhaust emission monitoring
- alpha and beta radiation in airborne particulates
- monitoring and testing natural gas, hydrocarbon, petrochemical and industrial process streams
- waste site, area level and perimeter monitoring and clean up, outdoor radon
- radon and radium in run-off and process water
- trace radon levels as low as 1 Bq/m3
radon-220 (thoron)
- radium-226
- radon daughters (progeny) working levels using Tsivoglou-Thomas, Rolle and Kuznetz sampling
- active/passive
- temperature, humidity and barometric pressure
- gamma-ray spectrum
- equilibrium ratio measurements
- simultaneous radon and thoron progeny measurement
- picocuries per liter
- becquerels per cubic meter
- live measurement as opposed to tail-count technique
- microprocessor controlled, portable, battery operated
- stand alone
- One monitor works with a number of (less expensive) detectors.
- One operator can handle a number of pmt Lucas cell assemblies in a rack-mounted configuration.
- continuous active and passive monitoring
- automated calculations
- external data logging, RS232 port/pc software
- detachable control module
- easy maintenance and calibration
- weather and tamper resistant, lockable stainless steel enclosure
- user programmable measurement intervals, sample and count periods and alarm level settings
- manual alarm test and muting
- remote alarms
- calibration parameters stored in non-volatile memory
- internally rechargeable batteries for power interruption
- volumetric air sampling
- sensitive and reliable, exacting tolerances, laboratory grade
- works in harsh conditions, insensitive to humidity and dust
- immune to beta and gamma radiation
- CE Mark compliant, EPA and ANSI compliant
- calibration and certificate
- radioactive test sources
- maintenance, repair, refurbishment
- equipment design
- radon and thoron lab test chambers
- radon and thoron gas generators (radon cows)
- flow-through radon and thoron sources
- radon and thoron progeny generators
- passive radon and thoron sources
- Lucas-cell field test check source for PM tube monitor
- calibration of radioactive gas equipment
- error analysis capability
- multipoint calibrations
- activity specified by customer
- dry powder radon and thoron sources
- distributed radon sources
- precise alignment of alpha spectrometers
- calibration at non-standard ackivity levels